Entrepreneurship & Innovation - From Idea to Opportunity (GBEN 424)
Technology and Software Ventures (ENTP 304)
Campus Sustainable Impact Fellowship
Corporate Entrepreneurship & Innovation (ENTP 302)
Design Thinking for Future Makers
Entrepreneurship & Enterprise (ENTP 201)
The Bakery
Entrepreneurship Minor
The Garage: Launching Entrepreneurial Ventures I (ENTP 311)
The Garage: Launching Entrepreneurial Ventures II (ENTP 312)
Graduate Certificate in Technical Entrepreneurship
Global Social Impact Fellowship
Idea Bounce
Innovation & Entrepreneurship - Research Translation to the Market (ENGR 495)
Introduction to Entrepreneurship (ENTP 101)
Lehigh Valley Social Impact Fellowship
Lehigh Ventures Lab
Management Major: Entrepreneruship and Innovation Track
Master of Engineering (M.Eng) in Technical Entrepreneurship
MBA: Corporate Entrepreneurship Track (VENTUREseries)
Silicon Valley Innovation Internship
Silicon Valley Social Impact Fellowship
Zero to One